
My name is Fernando Toledo. I'm a designer and software developer born and raised in Mexico City, and now based in San Francisco, California.

I'm the lead developer at First Person, and an independent developer when I can spare the time. I'm currently working on Huemote, the fastest remote for your Philips Hue lights.

One Hungry Fool is where I share what I learn about technology, developing for the web and iOS, and life in general. The name of this site comes from the closing phrase in the Commencement address Steve Jobs gave at Stanford University in 2005:

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

He saw that phrase in the last issue of a publication from the 60s called The Whole Earth Catalog. And just like it made a big impression on him at the time, it made a big impression on me while I was researching material for my college graduation speech. It's a beautiful phrase, and it's the ultimate advice.


This site is powered by the Ghost Blogging Platform, and is hosted on DigitalOcean. The site displays on a minimal custom theme I made. If you are interested in the tools & technologies used to create this site, I have list them below:


You can send your thoughts and comments to fernando@onehungryfool.net, or via Twitter @ftoledo.